Andre Asbury

How to Properly Execute a Suicide Squeeze

Today’s hand is actually fairly boring, especially at imps, but it did have a nice ending that ended with me making an overtrick via a suicide squeeze. This is also why I like matchpoints more than imps. You have to be on your toes all the time and the decisions you make are more evenly weighted than they are in imps. A defensive error to allow an overtrick can be and fequently is as big as a defensive error that allows a game or slam to make.

Dealer: N

Vul: EW

West East
 AKQ73  JT5
 865  AJ4
 T95  A42
 83  AT42
West North East South
  1 Pass 1NT
Pass 2 Pass 2
2 Pass Pass Pass

Against my 2S, north leads the K and it look like there are 8 tricks with virtually no chance for a 9th – KQ doubleton of or KQJ tripleton of  seem to be the only legitimate chances. Anyway, I won the lead, drew trumps and ducked a heart to south’s T. They took 1 club and then led diamonds, I took the A and ruffed a club. Finding no good fortune there, I exited a diamond and hoped something good would happen. Sure enough, south took 2 diamonds winners and led a 4th round of diamonds, which may have seemed like a safe play, but with the heart entry to the board, the T is still very much in play. Here is the situation with south on lead at trick 11:



West East
86 AJ

Clearly, if south exits with the K, north will eventually score his heart trick, and north has to have the Q for the bidding and play so far to make any sense. but on the diamond lead, north has to unguard his , and the J becomes good for the 9th trick and what would have been a very good matchpoint score for east-west. A fine example of a suicide squeeze!

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